
This book was really unexpected and I’ll tell you why…

As a reverse age gap, I was honestly wishing for a different point of conflict than the ones that authors usually uses for this trope… I was unlucky on this one, and that disappointment is on me… I shouldn’t have been expecting anything other than a good time.

To be fair, after a couple of hours, it was really a good time. I’m not gonna lie, I’ve listened the first 3 chapters twice, cause I was pretty sure that I was missing something. The story starts as if it was already in the middle. There’s no background to their “connection” other than the mention that he works at her favorite restaurant, and remembers her choice of drink and food, even if she’s not been there for about 2 years. The start of the book is kinda of like a bad porn, with him hitting hard on her and she crossing her legs to “alleviate” the aftermath of his advances.

It was from zero to a thousand in the span of 3 chapters, with them already in love, banging, and he wanting her to carry his children. So it was insta love, insta lust and insta everything since chapter one.

But after the initial shock, I was pleased with how the story developed, again if we remove my disappointments with the point of conflict being about her age, or his immature jealousy of her successful ex, the story was entertaining.

She was a loner and he had a big family to offer. One third of the book is about Elvis or the same thing in three different languages.

And despite all my ramblings here, it was a good time.

I’ll attribute it to the great narration.

Tate was an Irish/Dominican/American (I think?) and whatever more was thrown in the mix, so he had an accent that sounded really good on the audiobook!

If you’re into fast stories that are borderlining on erotica, I’m pretty sure, you’ll love this one!