The narrator does a great job, all around. I’m 7 books in, and he’s consistant woth his voices for each unique character. Honestly, fantastic narrator.

Story-wise, it’s pretty good. Not fantastic, but the author even acknowledges in later books that they are working on improving their style of writing to get around some kinks the readers have pointed out.

Personally, I don’t like the viewpoints from Alex (main villain) because his backstory and overall character just annoys me. I would love to have just the viewpoints of Jason, or at most Jason and the girl (forgot her name for some reason).

The MC, although a teen, is not an absolute moron, and I freaking love that! He makes logical choices, speaks intelligently, and actually prepares and multitasks. Great all around there. To be fair, he’s a total idiot romantically, but what can you do – can’t be perfect, right?