I’m sorry but I do not know where they think it’s christ-like they cut people’s fingers off can that disabled kids all for the sake of saying they’re trying to do good. we’re in the Bible does it say to do these kind of things. Bible says turn the other cheek it does not saydid you do any of those horrible things they do in this bookto get back at somebody you’re not supposed to do that vengeance is mine says the Lord. it’s not for us to do those things you should never hurt somebody or do anything to get back at somebody we have to forgive & pray for them to receive salvation through Christ Jesus.Mark Goodwin is a great Christian brother in Christ he writes great books sometimes it’s just a hit-or-miss sometimes & this was just a Miss this time. I understand how that is.nobody’s perfect but we help each other. we encourage one another in Christ Jesus our lord. I know you’ll come out with another great book for giving all the glory to God Amen I know sometimes we run short on ideas I’m pretty sure that Mark Goodwin I definitely know for sure Mark will have a great idea again
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