he’s mostly naïve, not dumb. a lot of people use this as a synonym, but it absolutely isn’t. he trusted when he shouldn’t have. I really can’t stand stupidity or naïveté in male characters and ‘coming of age’ is a trope or mini genre that needs to die a painful death.

but it isnt so bad here. at least it makes somewhat of a sense so far in the book (not done yet, but came across the parts some reviewers mentioned).

the vast majority of litrpg idiot MCs are really just idiots, not people who are not aware of how the world really works but are able to figure it out.

Defiance of the Fall series, Oblivion’s Blade series, Silver Fox and the Western Hero series, M. Atamanov’s Reality Benders series and the Disgardium series are my favorite litrpg because the MCs are extremely capable, courageous and smart and absolute badasses, not just idiots with an OP cheat or luck.

this MC is none of that but maybe he gets there. for whatever reason, western authors, especially from the US have this tendency of creating weak and stupid ‘heroes’ that bumble along by sheer luck. maybe it just mirrors the typical adult in the US.

this trope is disgusting to me and this MC at least is not that so far.
and since a lot of books with aggressively moronic MCs I shall not name here have stellar ratings, I want to rate this better.
I feel this book is punished for what other infamous idiot litrpg authors have done to the genre.

it is really unforgivable though when he gets pretty much assassinated in the first few pages and STILL treats people who blatantly and obviously have stalked him for days as oh I’m sure they’re innocent and nice people and I’m to blame for blabla.

this is not naïveté anymore. I’ll take this once and I’ll adjust my rating if that crap continues. I HATE stuff like this.

edit: OK, I had to lower the rating drastically. MC behaves stupider than a 3 year old. he is told multiple times to move, to run, but he just stands there, getting his allies in danger cause he loves all the spells flying around. they only fly around to save his life. so him not moving and ignoring an assassin desperate to kill him when he’s a meter away from the door to safety is absolutely unforgivable. this kind of moving the plot along makes it a 1 star book for me.

I had it at 4 to be nice but this made me scream at my phone in rage it’s so stupid AND immoral.

aaand it gets even worse: when someone is trying to save his life again (!), he gets argumentative, like a mule and gets ‘difficult’ and then decides to view the lady who just killed an assassin and blocked 2 daggers from hitting him as she’s clearly unstable, I better get away from her.

the stupidity tropes just keep coming. it’s the classic ‘RUN!!’ ‘Why??? everything seems fine!’ level of please-kill-the-MC-plus-author idiocy.

the book started not that badly, it was pretty believable albeit annoying but now it is brain-drillingly dumb. I cannot root for a protagonist that deserves to die over and over again until he learned to think.