This author seems to think that the so called “Christians” will physically try to fight like they did in the Old Testament, but as we all know, once Jesus came and died and resurrected everything that had been done in the physical in the OT was now spiritual in the New Testament. Which is why it says “we wrestle NOT against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and SPIRITUAL wickedness in high places.
Also, if this was a true biblical account, the “Christians” or “Believers “ would have been filled with the Spirit in the same way it happened in the Bible in the book of Acts the second chapter, which is when the church began. Everything that was preached or taught after that was for and to the church.
When the rapture actually takes place it WILL be as it was in the days of Noah, a VERY small number of people will be saved, and once they and the Holy Ghost are gone, it’s
too late for everyone else.
Violence and “prepping” is silly. Jesus rebuked Peter for trying to kill a soldier that came to kill Jesus, He willingly gave His life, and if we are true Christians we will do the same. We also will “take no thought for tomorrow” as the Word says to do.
Just thought I would share a little truth after listening to so much fiction.