Books one and two were good, three and four were mediocre. When it came to five to eight it became a struggle to continue.

Our “Leader” and main protagonist never evolves, matures, or have any character development. He is the same guy in the last 10 minutes of book 8 as he was in the first 10 of book one.

While he is in the loop, that was acceptable. He molded himself to that world as his real life memories faded. However in the real word he is supposed to be the Dream Teams leader, boss, and founder. However he acts like an absolute man child to an infuriating degree. Doesn’t read mission reports, briefings, nothing. He is trying to “save” people while acting like an utter buffoon. All while everyone still seems to like, love, and trust him. He is utterly incompetent in anything that isn’t violence and even then he just gets lucky due to plot armor. It is just.. bad. He is abrasive just to be abrasive. Hell, the real world in this book is so woke (I believe that is the joke) that I get it.. but holy hell some self control.

Let’s not forget that the narrator actually does the talking with the mouth full of food thing. MULTIPLE TIMES. That was extremely difficult to listen to. It actually made me put the book down for a few days and when he repeatedly did it I fast forward. That should be a cardinal sin of audiobooks. Never do that.

Was it worth the credit? I guess. I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone though. Would of been great with some character development, but the fact he never grew and everyone loved him still. Felt like a self insert of an asshole and boy.. he was one.