I was given a free arc copy from the author and the GRR arc team for review. I loved the first book but was majorly disappointed by this one. The Premise of a drag queen with a body guard and the second chance romance trope is totally my thing but unfortunately I had no connection to either MC and found both hard to like. There are plenty of sexy scenes and those were good but the characters didn’t seem to have any believable chemistry out of the bedroom. For the majority of the book I was kinda bored. Even the threat of a stalker didn’t really add any interest to the plot. It just kinda dragged alot in between all the sex scenes and repeated the same push and pull over and over and that got sickening. Joel Leslie did a great job as always. He has a pleasant voice and good pace and expresses all the emotions and does the different voices and makes each suit the character.
Review from Freak →