This is a really long book at 20 hours. I thought that would be a good thing with lots of interesting things happen. While there are a few things at the start, it quickly degrades into the two things that ruined this authors other books in awaken online. One: nothing happens for a large amount of hours, not in the book hours, but reading hours. Two: The story becomes a pity party, with boo hoo emo characters.

So “spoiler” alert, or really not since nothing happens, they spend more than 9 hours of listening time fighting ants. (that is the first thing) and during that time when they are not fighting ants they have gone the poor me route and act like 5 year old children. The MC is supposed to be old, smart beyond compare, and experienced. But he acts like a tween who just missed the Bieber concert. The entire 9 hours could have been done in two but it is dragged on and on and on and on…. You get to the point where when the chapter starts the pity party and flash backs you skip to the next one and you missed NOTHING. The only reason you listen to the chapter at all is that there is a journal entry of the mage guy at the start of each one, which is the only rather cool and interesting thing in those 9 hours.

If I can stomach getting through the “Here there be ants” (10 ish hours left and they are STILL fighting ants of boring) then maybe I will finish this book. But if Travis Bagwell can’t chill on the poor me BS I just can’t read anything more from him.