*I was given this free review copy audiobook at my request and have voluntarily left this review.

Jeffrey Kafer is a favorite voice of mine. Heather is a new voice for me. I very much enjoyed listening to both narrators. Jeffrey voices the sections that are in August’s POV and Heather for sections with Poe’s POV. Heather feels to fit Poe to the T in how she’s feeling as events unfold. A great contrast listening to the two voices as we get the feel for the characters from August or Poe’s minds.

I was drawn into the lives as Poe and August survive the lonely world that has an element of worry as to when the creatures will show up. Or worse, what will they run into with other survivors. Are there others? Okay, there are other survivors. The cool thing with survivors is what we learn. We come across a limited few, and what they have to share is interesting. It tells there is a bigger picture here than just human’s being exterminated. Someone (or thing) could be influencing and manipulating the few remaining people to do as they want.

Poe and August feel very personable. Like I can relate. They think of things that I would think if left in the situation they are in. August starts as a man who’s not physical but loves using his brain in the lab. He grows in character and physical fitness with having to adapt to the world without cars. He has to make his way to Poe, and will do it. It may take months, but he’ll get to her. Poe, the poor girl, is solitary at her home. And she’s pregnant. She’s waiting for August to come and help her, but she grows in a strength of drive and mentally along with physically. She’s not sure about living in this world, but will do so for her baby. Poe becomes a protective bear by the end of the book.

The aliens… They are interesting as they have their own social structure, which is expected. We don’t learn all about them, but we learn what is needed to complete the story and plot. There is a bit of Predator feel to the story with the aliens. It’s kinda cool.

I listen to audiobooks while at work. And it never failed that the day was done at a spot I couldn’t wait to story tomorrow. Although, I don’t know if there’s really any good spots to stop in this one, I was always wanting more.

I’ve listened to a few books by Jeremy, and I know there’s going to be something big that happens. He’s great at creating the suspense of knowing that something’s going come and happen to crush the world that’s already destroyed as you know it. He does that here, but also adds a spark of hope. These are the endings I love and hate as they are sometimes bittersweet.

Oh, you know you’re attached to characters and their journey when you tear up. I did just that in the end of the story. Wow. I knew I was attached but didn’t realize how much until it hit me. And the ending lingered with me for days afterward. It really had an impact on me.