The United States Space Force is being defunded after only five years of existence. A few members are remaining on the base when aliens attack. The few members of Space Force remaining on the base are thrown into a battle royal against the aliens. Just like in battle royal video games there is a shrinking force field surrounding the area of battle. The misfit remains of space force start to fight the aliens lead by Captain Ethan Stone. The book is full of humor following Captain Ethan Stone and a few soldiers inside the force field. We get action and witty banter from the group while they fight the enemy. Meanwhile outside the force field we follow first lieutenant Jennifer Hale as she tries to manage a strike team into space to strike at the aliens space ship. The non stop action and humor keeps you hooked in on the fantastic story Jeremy Robinsons does a great job on this book.

Jeffrey Kafer is perfect for the role of Ethan Stone a badass with a great sense of humor. Its no easy job to deliver the over the top character of Ethan Stone so well. Emily Woo Zeller does a great job as Jennifer Hale. Finally we get Michelle Williams for a smaller role in narration but she is fantastic for the role she plays. Having different narrators for the main characters works really well and they also do a great job for the supporting cast of the book.