I came upon the Shaman’s Tales series from all the other Golden Age of the Solar Clipper series. No spaceships, just regular ships, OK. Nathan Lowell is a brilliant writer and I find buying his audiobooks as a sound investment. Haven’t been disappointed yet! Not religious, who cares? I dare you not to like it. This is a coming of age tale where a boy/man might not find the path he was looking for, but his path might just find him. I’ve already listened to the next book in the series as I review this one and when I’m done typing , I’ll start the third. Author – Stupendous, Narrator – Amazing, Story – Superb!!! To think I first started listening to Nathan Lowell narrate his own Audiobooks for free. It took me a second to get to like Jeffrey Kafer because you never forget your first listen. Now I’ve grown up with Ishmael, Pip, Natalya, Zoya, Otto, and Sarah. Please Mr. Lowell keep writing masterpieces in this Golden Age!!!