Ok I have thought long and hard about what review I will leave for this book. I have decided that some critical feedback is warranted because I cant bring myself to pick up the next book in the series.

I love all the Eternium books, completionist chronicles and Archives. Until this ‘book’…I finally felt ‘meh’. There was no way to get a grip on what was happening. I could never tell what kind of book it was…bunch of short stories? An encyclopedia? Worldbuilding? Where is it going? What is the central conflict? What resolution is there?

It is like the author put ALL effort into mechanics and nothing into story. I am sure it makes sense in someone’s head. You ever met someone who puts a raw set of data into a spreadsheet and spends weeks prettying it up but only they understand it? That is what this book feels like. I mean those pivot tables are cool but what do they mean?

In litRPG you have to be able to understand and empathize with the rules so you can appreciate the conflict and creative ways it is resolved. The rules may be consistent and written down in a tome somewhere but they are too difficult to remember for the reader. I love the individual characters…but their story is lost in the weeds.

This book felt like watching a random group of people I love doing random things to no end. There was no sense of rising action or traction on the storyline. It has been about 90 days since I finished it…and I literally cannot remember a single plotpoint.