I got this audiobook because I love Soundtooth Theater and the voice actors; Jeff Hays and Annie Ellicott. They do a great job with this series. And that is the last good thing I have to say about this audiobook.

Forcing players to remain logged in while they are tortured and/or raped doesn’t make for a playable game. No sane person would sign up for that. All the people that do would find themselves without any victims to prey on pretty fast. Characters in the teen levels taking on entire cities, stupid drow hand crossbows, transport between games(some genius programmers there as MMOs have problems transferring characters from one server to another in the same game. Somehow there is a ‘Player Killer’ class but apparently, it is doesn’t mean anything since some act like mages and others act like fighters. The game yells, “INSTANT KILL!!!’ which would be fine EXCEPT it is rarely for instant kills. Heck once the protagonist is torturing someone and finally kills him and we still get the yelling ‘INSTANT KILL!!!’ The main character gets a superpower that has a big drawback/crash except when the author thinks it shouldn’t.

The main women are super ower powerful with 2-dimensional personalities and all fall in love with the main character.

The main character is obviously a Mary Jane for the author. He acts like he is about 12. With stupid one-liners, bad puns, and only seeing women as sex objects and maidens that need rescue. He also becomes a bigger asshole as the series goes along.

Seems like swearing increases when the author is running out of ideas as it goes hours without any and then a bunch in a few minutes.

Only finished because I’m a masochist and almost finished every book I have ever started(in the thousands).

Not going to buy another book by this author.