I wanted to like this story. I really did. It had the potential for a great story. the beginning started off great. It had an iteresting premise and a great into to our MC, but then it just becomes so unbelievably unrealistic. The MC meets the prince one time as a servant bringing him breakfast, basically says nothing, but from that the prince falls madly in love with him to where less than a few days later he’s basically pushing on marriage territory? And not just him, everyone is all about it, the other servants, the guards, the other royalty, even the dying King is like, “I entrust my son to you.” Like, what? The most believable part of the story is that the MC has trouble accepting that this is real. Yeah, me too. The way the author writes is nice, and there are glimpses of what could have been a great story – like the suggestion of trauma the MC went through before arriving at the castle, but like, it seems to not really matter in the overall story. There is NO build up on WHY this “perfect” prince fell in love with him, no drama, no conflict, no obstacles to overcome – nothing. If a guy with all the power falls madly in love with someone with no power and by day 3 has basically decided they’re gonna be together forever, that’s not a love story, that’s a terrifying red flag bordering on a horror story. The power dynamic is way too skewed, especially to not give any reason. Literally no reason. The author never mentions that the MC is good looking. The prince doesn’t know anything about the MC, except that he was a slave and he might have been a student from a healing school. That’s it. Doesn’t talk to him, or get to know him. The MC is pretty much dazed and mute for the whole story. It just doesn’t make sense. I felt like a was listening to a fanfic a twelve year old wrote. If what you want is pure fluff without any risk whatsoever, this is the book for you, otherwise don’t waste your time.