I raise ducks. Hens will try to mate with hens but this isn’t because they’re lesbian or bisexual or “queer”. They’ll do it Especially in the absence of a drake (male). The ducks are driven by their powerful instinct to REPRODUCE. It’s all directly tied to reproduction, to survival via REPRODUCTION.

I see now how various animals are being used to argue queer theory. This book is 100% queer theory.

I see how animal behaviors are being cherry picked. Anything that can be twisted into a queer theory argument will be exploited while ignoring anything which isn’t useful to the purpose (which is a LOT).

Duck hens will mount other hens. This book says: “See!! Female ducks are mounting other female ducks this means they are lesbian or bisexual!”

The hens are driven by the DNA ingrained instinctual urge to REPRODUCE OFFSPRING. The hens are acting out for the sake of reproduction.

The male drake has such a strong instinctual urge to reproduce that a male (drake) at times will mate a hen to literal death. This can happen when the drake only has access to one or otherwise a limited number of females. The hens will take turns mounting each other as part of establishing the flock pecking order.

The drake’s instincts drive them to mate with as many females as possible. The males force themselves upon the females. The females don’t always resist but when they do it doesn’t matter, consent doesn’t matter, the drake will fight the hen in order to mount her.

I’ve seen more duck and chicken rape than I’ve cared to know occurs (if we equate the behavior of poultry with human behavior as this book does) But for these ducks it’s not rape, it’s what they do (and have done for who knows how many centuries) in order to SURVIVE. If the drakes didn’t behave as they do- ducks would likely go extinct.

But imagine- rapists arguing that rape should be accepted as normal, that men should be able to force themselves on as many females as they wish or even have violent forced sex which leads to a person’s death. “This is how animals behave after all! It’s normal in the animal kingdom!” as is eating offspring.

Yeah……. NO.