(As posted in GoodReads)

I was already familiar with most of these cases. Certainly, having gotten my bachelors degree at U of C, and having lived in Chicago (Hyde Park) until 67, the Leopold and Loeb and the Richard Speck stories had both been important and discussed during my childhood and college. But this book filled in and clarified a fair amount. I remember as a child seeing a movie about the St. Valentine’s Day massacre, and being a Chicagoan I have often had that brought up about my town, but this was kind of the first place that I actually got the details about the situation. There was certainly nothing like actually living on the south side of Chicago during the Richard Speck situation! But, having been a small child at the time, I knew only what my parents (who had both become nervous, at best, during the whole circumstance) and unable to totally clarify what had been going on. I have, subsequently, read more about that, but this book was a good consolidation of all of it. And, also of course, having subscribes to The Daily News (well, my parents subscribed) until it went out of business, I love the connection with that newspaper 🙂