New post apocalyptic series by Franklin Horton? Yes, please. I was already a fan of Franklin Horton’s Borrowed World series so I was thrilled to see the he was starting a new series. The Mad Mick is a fast paced, action-packed story that revolves around 3 main characters: Conor Maguire (the Mad Mick himself), his daughter Barb, and Ragus, a young man who is a friend of the family. After Barb gets kidnapped, Ragus sets out to rescue her with Conor following close behind. Even with the focus of the story being centered around the action of getting Barb back, we get real incite into the characters. Definitely looking forward to seeing where Horton takes the series from here.

The book is narrated by Kevin Pierce, who also narrated Horton’s Borrowed World series (definitely recommend) and as always he does a fantastic job. For me, Pierce is THE voice of survival fiction.

I received a copy of this audio title in exchange for an unbiased review.