I found this series on Instagram and didn’t know how it would turn out when I made my purchase on Audible.

As a fellow “curvy girl” with PCOS, Hashimoto’s Disease, and mental health issues that has struggled (and still struggles) with similar issues to these women in the author’s stories, I find that a piece of my soul that has been locked inside a steel cage has finally peeked out.

I am a 23 year old college student who has dedicated her life to her education, and no time to my social life or romantic endeavors. Instead, I live vicariously through books like these. Heroines that actually go for things instead of stalling out like I have.

I hope one day, I’ll bump into my own “hot guy” who sees me for me and not size or the many other frustrating symptoms of my conditions. I sure haven’t found them yet, or maybe they haven’t gotten up the courage to talk to me yet. Either way, I’ll be waiting and watching with my earbuds in and listening to my guilty pleasures until they become my own story.

Thank you for everything you do with these works, Kelsie.