This book returns to the main focus of the story being cusrecterization and world building while the plot is secondary to it. While this has a new prospective from the previous books, the shift is smooth and the new positions of the charecters makes sense from where they were before.

I’ve said in the past, I love characterization, but I also don’t find it easy. My brain is burdened with real world people so I have trouble relating my experiances to written text without things feeling rhote. I am so great full for those who find this to be one of their strengths, such as the author of this series.

I’m happy when plot doesn’t take too much of a focus, frankly. I don’t know how to explain it, but plot often feels… forced to me. Sure, I like the climaxes of the story and they should be plot related, but I prefer the interem to feel… well. Slice of life.

In any case I can’t say much out of spoilers but this book really helps to shift the focus from looking back to looking forward in the universe, and to being tied closer to CC then DD.