Wanted to love it. But pretty much all previous characters did a complete 180 here. Smart characters are doing things an infant would consider stupid. They each take turns doing stupid shit that costs the group dearly.

Additionally, nothing really happens for the first half of the book. Just talking about preparing for an eventual trip. Entire chapters dedicated to explaining social differences between earth and the rest of the universe. And of course at the end of the day, nothing changes. Nobody grows, everyone basically says “agree to disagree”. Whats the point of talking about acceptance and discrimination, Whats the point of spending a chapter telling us a character is battling their acceptance demons when we don’t really see a change. “Hey she always thought she was open minded , now she realizes she isn’t. She’s also upset that her love is open minded. She thinks she’s in the wrong. Oh well moving on, no need for her character to grow”. What the hell was the point of that? Besides telling us half the characters we’re rooting for are kinda shit people