In the begging there are a lot of seeming plot holes, that seem to be mere contrivances of the genre, but all of them have explanations that resolve the seeming plot hole.
At first they bothered me, but by the end the I was able to just take it on faith that each unacknowledged “plot hole” that I saw, had a secret explanation we would discover later. The author had proven he would resolve all of them eventually, and that I should just assume anything illogical I noticed was actually a clue at a bigger secret.
(One exception is an editing mistake where he accidentally said he had been listening to the same song for 2 hours. But that is the only one.)
the author is a new author, and over the course of the book his writing style actively gets better.
It isn’t very good in the beginning, but he comes into his own before the end of the book. I expect he will continue to improve as the series continues.
I am giving the overall 4 stars, because of the beginning bringing down the overall score.