When I first found this book I was a bit nervous to read it because this was my first time listening to a Lily Morton book, however, there was nothing to be nervous about since the entire book was incredible. There were scenes that made me cry, scenes that made me full-on dislike Gabe, but also scenes that made me love hard for both of the main two characters.

If I have to be honest this book kinda reminds me of a Hallmark movie, but with more steamy scenes than you can imagine which was good for me.

Joel Leslie did an amazing job as always and made every emotion that the main characters were feeling known to the listener.

My favorite scenes within the novel were when Gabe was jealous of the hotel guy that Dylan was going out with because all throughout the book it was like Gabe wanted his cake and wanted to eat it too. This is because he wanted Dylan but he did not want to pursue Dylan however he did not want anyone else to pursue Dylan as well which was not fair. Another scene I enjoyed was after both Gabe and Dylan had called off their entire relationship and Gabe came back to ask for forgiveness and found Dylan with another guy. I promise I kind of cried during this scene because they were both in a bad head space during this time since they both missed one another but needed to end it.

I would personally recommend this book because it is completely worth the listen.