When Neven Iliev really gets into the plot, it’s excellent. You find yourself wanting to break all commitments to continue listening, hours melt by and you constantly crave more. If unnecessary fluff could be edited out, this series would be among the best there is to listen to.
The problem is that Neven either doesn’t have an editor or not a very good one. Books 2 & 3 suffer for this. Here and there he gets sloppy or makes some simple mistakes that shouldn’t happen. What bogs down the series is mostly the sexuality. Kora is an awful chacter (very bland and uninteresting) and her part in the sexuality is uncomfortable to listen to. Fizzy was a great character but Iliev unfortunately decided that she needed to be powerful or else had to kill her off. I don’t agree (non-powerful characters are very endearing & add a lot to anime stories). Her transformation to make her more powerful was unnecessary, painful to read and turned her into a Kora clone.
Hopefully book 4 will have Neven continuing the excellent plot writing but clean up the sloppiness and cut down on the uncomfortable sexuality.