– Josh here


Man, what a great way to complete the first half of a 13-hour drive! This was a story that I would not have heard of were it not for a social media group I am a member of (Thanks for the Booky McBookface recommendation, Team TW).

I am growing to be a greater fan of urban fantasy and I feel this is a great representation of that genre. I loved how the story rapidly launched you into the main plot point with Brandy.

As a D&D fan, I thoroughly enjoyed the necromancy narrative and the explanations behind several of the powers/capabilities that Laz displayed throughout. The powers introduced by the Baron were also a great twist and a storyline I can’t wait to see explored more in the sequels. The shifting relationship between Laz, Emma, and Moses was an immediate draw-in-and-keep-you-hooked aspect of the story for me.

The methods Laz used to work with and control the dead, in a manner far different than that of a medium from a traditional story, was fun. I really enjoyed the portrayal of impact the use of the powers Laz possessed had on him, for example the kiss of life. Likewise, watching a skeptic get thrown face first into this world shift their mindset became another great hook for the story.

Oh, and for those that decide to read/listen to the story, wait until you meet Jolene. The Baron was also a fantastic character that actually reminded me of the voodoo character from the latest season of American Horror Story.

This is the third story I have listened to that was narrated by Travis Baldree. He did a fantastic job as usual and really helped bring the story to life.

I can’t wait for the next entry in this series and will be lined up to purchase it once the Audible release is announced. This book definitely helped solidify my interest in Urban Fantasy. I can now firmly say that, as with Starship Troopers, yes, “I would like to know more”.