Lit-RPG books have become repetitive. Gamer gets sucked into the game, and basically plays from the inside. What happens when it’s the Game Master that gets pulled in? That’s what Homebrew is about. The GM gets pulled into a world of his own creation, and is forced to play alongside his friends, who while not knowing who he is, are the embodiment of their characters. The humor hits dead on, with plenty of Easter eggs for tabletop gamers. The story contains several rpg tropes, and subverts them, all the while acknowledging them. It’s a very funny, and entertaining book. The narration is excellent. I have no problems there. The only problem I had, and it’s a small one, was with the main character and his character sheet. Every time he checks it, the entire thing is gone through. It gets repetitive very quickly. By the end, even the performer rushes through it. Still, it’s a small gripe about an otherwise excellent book. It does end on a cliffhanger, and I hope to get the next in the series very soon.