The only reasons I got Volume 1 of the Feedback Loop: Jeff Hays is one of the best Narrators in the business, he told me via correspondence that it was one of his favorite series to narrate, and it was also on sale. I tried Mr. Hays, I really tried. However, the constant barrage of clichéd similes and numbered catalogue references to inventory items is not my cup of tea, at all. I know, Mr. Cooper wrote it, and you just brought it to life. I didn’t think it was possible for me to really dislike a main character that bucks against the system, but Quantum is about as unlikable as a main character can be. Maybe the story gets better after the second book, but I literally have to force myself to listen to any of it. But hey, no one can please everyone one all of the time, and I’m glad so many have been able to enjoy the Feedback Loop, but it looks like the inventory had no more space left for my “enjoyment”.