I really want to say I liked this story- but I’m just not even sure what happened! The ending felt like the author just got tired of writing it and quit! It also didn’t feel very fleshed out with much detail throughout- just kind of the bare minimum. Made what could have been a really good story feel more like she phoned it in for a money grab!. There were sooo many unanswered questions, the most important of which is HOW the MMC came back to life and WHY the curse was lifted! It was incredibly disappointing that none of that was explained or resolved! I thought for sure it would be because he sacrificed himself for another, but given that we don’t even know WHY he was cursed in the first place, who knows! Also the Sophie/ Josephine thing was just jejune and irritating- like the author couldn’t decide between them, so used them both. And then it’s made a big deal that Sophie/Josephine is turned into whatever the Mmc happens to be, which we still don’t know, but no description! ugh! This felt like a spin on the Opal Reyne monster books, but with a much more attractive monster. The best part was the narrator! wow!!! He was REALLY good! He brought all the characters to life, everyone had a different voice, and they were all believable! I was so surprised how well he did with the FMC during the emotional scenes! And the sexy scenes! He was a big hit for me, I will search for more novels with him for a narrator!