The plot is interesting and would be better if the main character hadn’t been quite so egocentric. She didnt seem as old or as mature as someone her age would be. She also said a lot of things that she ended up contradicting in her own mind, like how she controls her emotions at all times only to panic internally at almost every turn. She is also very judgmental. She just doesnt seem like someone who has lived very long or maybe her emotional IQ is stunted…who knows. But she sure does like talking about everyone else’s IQs. I dont know, i just don’t like her immaturity and constant state of panic.

The narrator bothers me more than the character though. She uses the wrong intonations, paused randomly and mispronounced words. she voice works for this book but her reading abilities are meh. It takes work to figure out what the author meant based on context clues rather than the narrator reading it the way it should be. The mispronounced word that stuck in my head was maelstrom- she said maelstorm which isn’t a word as far as I know. She also pronounced conflagration con-flag-aration.