Summary –

After spending years building up her life coaching business in Chicago, Charly is blacklisted after she refuses to lie for a client. Jobless and in need of a fresh start, she travels down to her grandmother’s place in the small town of Cat’s Paw Cove, Florida. Her grandmother is living in a retirement community and the residents are… strange. Cats are everywhere and they seem to dominate the landscape. Which is odd, right? Not so much, as Charly is about to find out. With the help of sexy real estate agent Dylan Graham, Charly discovers she’s surrounded by supernatural beings, ghosts, empaths and more. One surprise after another has Charly not sure of anything anymore. Is she going crazy or has she finally found her calling?

Narrator’s overall voice –

Rebecca Winder has a vibrant voice with great personality to it. She takes each character and brings them to light using inflection. She’s not just reading a story but creates a play of sorts. I close my eyes and I felt like I was at the theatre, without leaving my home.

Does the narrator fit the characters?

Yes, she does. Rebecca uses her voice as an instrument, so each character has their own voice. From Charly to Dylan to Charly’s grandmother to all the minor characters, it’s a full cast of characters Rebecca recreates with ease.

Narrator’s reading style –

Rebecca’s reading style is effortless, and I found it easy to get caught up in the story. The enunciation is clear, no matter which character is speaking.

Narrator’s impact on reading experience –

I read this story as an e-book, so I was familiar with the premise. That being said, Rebecca adds a new level of enjoyment for me. Her characterization of Sharon Buchbinder’s writing is brilliant, and I would love to listen to it again and again.

Narrator’s pacing –

The pacing is well done with plenty of dramatic pauses so the reader can follow along without getting lost.

Audiobook flow –

The audiobook flowed from start to finish with the right balance of humor, romance, and mystery. I didn’t want to stop reading.

What makes this audiobook unique –

What makes this unique is the storyline and the way Rebecca brought it to life. It wasn’t a reading, but a play come to life. I just finished reading it and I want to read it again.

Would I recommend this audiobook –

YES! I would recommend this to any reader looking for a cozy paranormal romance where cats rule the town. There is a full cast of characters and Rebecca brings each one to life. Highly recommend!

My Rating: 5+ stars