The multicast, duet narration is absolutely on POINT! These types of narrations for audiobooks ruins other audiobooks for me for quite a while. Because, let’s face it, while I give a HUGE round of applause for single narrated books with Excellent narration, hearing a man portray a man is just…yummy! ?

The story line is interesting. I’m still trying to really get into it, but I like it enough to download the second installment. As a newcomer to this Academy series, I think this one is a spinoff to the Elemental Academy series. If I knew what I knew now, I would’ve read/listened to those first as that storyline kind of bleeds into this one.

I do like the world building this author brings. What brought me to this series is my reading of her other book Noir Reformatory… and I couldn’t get enough so came here. Favorite voice is Shades who I think is played by Gregory Salinas who also does Novak’s voice in Noir Reformatory. Just Yummy.