Book 3 begins with Andrew’s co-worker Michelle (Shell) and her girlfriend Wendy coming to Emilio’s tattoo shop. I loved that Andrew was happy to show off Spencer and prove he actually has a boyfriend and a really good excuse for why he’s been grinning like a loon for weeks.

As tattoos played a major role in the first two books, (Spencer DOES have two full sleeves AND lives above a tattoo shop owned by his landlords who happen to also be dear friends…) they are central to this book as well.

Spencer dares (or asks, depending on your perspective) Andrew to draw him the perfect tattoo that Emilio can put on Spencer. Andrew balks, of course. A small one? Sure, he can come up with something simple that he feels represents Spence, but something elaborate? Something permanent? Yeah, even I wondered if he could pull that off.

Since Spencer and Andrew did – eventually – consummate their relationship in the last book, there are some truly sexy times afoot in this story. Whereas Spencer calls Andrew, “Bossy Andrew’ with true affection, Andrew’s demons come out.

“I’m a perfectionist, but not perfect.”

“Don’t ever censor yourself. Don’t ever change…you are perfect.”

“I am not.”

“You are for me.”

Spencer also has a new client, and again, I loved that Andrew was (relatively) understanding and not (overly) jealous. Peter, the new client, is nicknamed ‘Stuffy Old Guy’. Unlike Wanker Lance (Yanni’s abusive ex-boyfriend from the last book), I found Peter’s moniker didn’t’ suit him. He’s not stuffy. (Or old, because he’s younger than me, for Pete’s sake, and I’m not that old…am I?) But Peter has a thing for twinks and so hires Spence to see if there is any hope for a second chance with his ex, Duncan.

Now, I try not to judge others and their relationship choices. One of my favourite books (Julie Bozza’s ‘The Apothecary’s Garden’) had a 40-year age gap and yet it worked. For those two men, in THAT book, it worked.

In real life, I know several couples with significant age gaps and I tell myself it is their business, not mine. Who knows why they are together or what makes them happy?

Still, I could understand Duncan, an apparently quite immature man in his early twenties, not wanting to settle down with a perceived ‘old’ man who is in his early forties and prefers a night in rather than partying at the latest nightclub.

As always, it is Spencer who has to deliver the reality check and his genuine care for Peter’s well-being reminded me why I love him so much. And Peter? He has a story, I know, but his willingness to invite Spencer’s Andrew and a friend of theirs to join his pity party, gave me hope he would soon move on. His kindness to the group despite his heartbreak gave me the notion that I hadn’t seen the last of him, unlike Wanker Lance.

And, in fact, when Andrew and Spencer invite their combined friends to a Universal Studios tour, Peter, and even the very fragile Yanni, join in. Again, this is real life – a couple trying to fit together like pieces of a puzzle by integrating their friends. These moments may be ordinary, but are so powerful because this is often the basis of successful relationships.

Ordinary is good because things get kind of crazy from there. A health scare precipitates a visit to the emergency department and is so serious it requires a stay in the hospital. Fortunately, Helen and Alan Landon (Andrew’s parents) are, uh, good actors and quick on their feet, ensuring Andrew and Spencer aren’t separated.

Have I said how much I LOVE Andrew’s parents?

Upon returning home, Spencer checks his voice mail messages. Since it’s in the synopsis, I’m not giving anything away by saying Spencer has to go back to Australia. Although I guessed some of the plot points ahead of their revelation, I was still dragged through the emotional wringer.

And when Andrew went out of his way to find the ‘perfect’ way for Spencer and his L.A. crew to honour Spencer’s reason for the trip, I was bawling. Yep, sobbing. Thanks, N.R. Remind me to keep the tissues close. And when Spencer realizes ‘this is what a family is’? Well, I pretty much lost it.

And that was only the beginning of the tears, so consider yourself forewarned. That being said, every moment was genuine. My emotions were not purposely being manipulated because what Spencer goes through is the reality for so many children who have been disowned by their parents – whether because they are gay or for other reasons. It hit a little close to home for me.

But there are moments, like in the hotel after a particularly poignant and painful moment when Andrew and Spencer are discussing the their private parts and I was able to find an even keel for my reeling emotions.

Eventually, Andrew and Spencer head back to L.A. or ‘home’. On the flight, Andrew can’t sleep and he draws the tattoo for Spencer on the back of an airline safety manual. (See? Those things are good for something.) Andrew asserts, “It’s not perfect,” but Spencer counters “it’s perfect for me”.

And it is.

I could never have guessed what the tattoo was going to be (but after having spent about eighteen hours with these guys, I was willing to try). I wasn’t close, but the choice was brilliant and I’m hoping there is an artist out there who will create a rendering (if it hasn’t already been done).

After these books, I seriously (okay, maybe seriously is a strong word) considered getting a tattoo. I loved how Spencer’s life could be told through his tats. Just as I loved how Andrew’s love for Spencer came through in his choices of music for Spencer. And I STILL need to find Jeff Buckley’s version of Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah.

The book ended as perfectly as it could and I was left without an iota of doubt that these two amazing men belong together.

Yet again, how many great things can I say about Joel Leslie’s narration? From Spencer’s Aussie to Emilo’s Latino to Andrew’s California to Helen Landon’s elegant aging actress, he hit every single note – every single character – perfectly.

I love N.R. and I love Joel. Together, they create magic in the form of a story. Reading the books is wonderful, but hearing Joel interpret them is a special treat.

Happily ever after.