First – this is a Cliffhanger. I’m generally not a huge fan of Duets & Trilogies. Too many of them feel like single stories needlessly dragged out or chopped into smaller sections to become multiple books. However, after enjoying White’s District Line Trilogy, I was more than happy to dive into this one. While there is a lot of story to justify breaking this into parts – this does not stand on its own. Be prepared for multiple books/audios to get the whole story.

Second – I think this will best be enjoyed knowing that the romance is secondary to what is a strong and compelling mystery/suspense storyline with some well written thriller elements as well. I think if I had realized this going in I wouldn’t have been so frustrated by what I initially felt was a slow start and unsubstantiated vagueness on Jackson’s part. Once I shifted my perspective – I was completely immersed in this world and with Jax & Fletcher as individuals.

Set in 1999, White has weaved a complicated tale of murder, emotional turmoil, secret lives, and manufactured celebrity. In addition to the secrets Jackson is keeping there is an enormous amount of tension created by trying to evade the press and whoever is really responsible for Tallulah’s death. The main characters don’t know who they can trust and that extends to each other. Jackson & Fletcher are flawed yet quite relatable characters. In the background is a slow-burn, enemies-to-lovers romance. Slow burn is right, don’t expect any sexy times in book 1 of the series. Honestly, I didn’t miss it because the suspense aspect is so captivating.

I have already grabbed Hide to Seek and can’t wait to dive in.

I already knew from the District Line series that Piers Ryman is absolutely phenomenal. He again expertly navigated a large cast of characters using a variety of accents and registers consistently throughout the book. I always knew who was talking whether the text indicated it or not.

I purchased the ebook, however I did receive a free copy of the audiobook from the author and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.