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I really enjoyed this story. The voice performance was good, and I appreciate the use of different accents to help distinguish between some of the characters. I like that the characters feel relatable, flawed, and as human as furry aliens can be. They’re ordinary people in a cold galaxy holding on to hope, and a chance to realize that hope. I cried, I laughed, I sympathized with, I worried for, and I cared about these characters. I loved the personal growth our sheltered protagonist had because of the pains he had to go through to achieve it because it felt genuine and relatable. Life can hurt you, mistakes can hurt you and others, but if you learn from it and do your best to grow as a person even the worst pain can bring something good. This is a wonderful setting, and each story in it has drawn me further into it. Highly recommended, and I can’t wait to start the captains oath.