I don’t even know where to begin with this review. This story was so powerful and emotional and gripping. It was high on the angst scale but how could it not be with such a serious topic. The characters were all so well done. I could really see Gianna and understand how she found herself in the situation she did. I fell in love with Derek and their connection and supportive nature right along with her. And I absolutely saw the evil in Ethan. I think I was truly in awe of the writing with Ethan especially. He may have given off a certain vibe in the beginning but it was nothing compared to the way I saw him by the end. His character was exposed slowly and deliberately. Even with how much I despised him I was still in awe of Dakota Willink. And the narration!!! Sarah Puckett was so amazing with this leading lady. All the pain, and sadness, and joy and everything. I heard it in her voice. Sean Crisden and Connor Crais were also both perfection. Ethan’s voice especially was done perfectly. It had a certain sinister edge that I found so fitting. I want to hear more from all of these narrators in future. ?The Flock?