I will confess that I was lured into Galaxy Outlaws primarily by the recording length (85 hours for a single credit) and the comparisons to Firefly, which I was a fan of. However, maybe halfway through these “missions” (novellas, I guess), I realized that not only had the stories of the Mobius crew exceeded my expectations, but were now my new favorite Sci-Fi book series.

I love the characters here – especially Mort and Kubu, but of course Carl and Esper and Roddy, and everybody else. Each character has a meaningful arc across the 16 novellas, changing, growing, becoming more sympathetic or in some cases less. I became really invested in the future of the crew. They made me laugh quite often, they occasionally inspired me, and at times their choices disappointed me, and I wouldn’t change any of it.

Mikael Naramore does a fantastic job. The voices all fit their personalities, and are both distinct and easy to listen to. I’ve also read some of Galaxy Outlaws in print, and I will forever have his voices etched onto my brain. I don’t think Kubu would be the same without Naramore’s performance.

Really terrific series – I can’t say enough good about it. I want to open a can of Earth’s Preferred and drop into the astral with the crew of the Mobius. I will definitely listen again and also check out other books by J. S. Morin.