Two things made me decide to buy this book: all the positive reviews, and Joel Leslie. Joel Leslie didn’t let me down. For a paragraph or two, I could almost imagine he was reading a good book, like Alexis Hall’s Billionaire trilogy. But then some clunky passage or illogical twist or painfully awkward attempt at humor brought me crashing back down to earth. The most charitable thing I can say is that Morten must have written this extremely quickly under some impossible deadline. It’s just unbelievably sloppy. (She uses the words “wryly,” “wryly” and “wry” within one page, for example. Ever heard of an editor?) Is Asa a terror no one can bear to work for? Or is he a universally beloved teddy bear? Why does he hire Jude if he hates all models so much, based on a bad experience with one? Why is he going out with Lucy when he clearly can’t stand her, and why does she just seem to disappear when she’s no longer needed? Why did he hire that nasty nanny if he’s such a great dad? Why was a guy with no teeth and wearing pajamas sitting in his late-model SUV in the VIP chauffeur queue? Why is it that neither Jude nor Asa ever seems to do any actual work? Every single “plot point” exists only to create phony conflict. It’s just a mess. Give it a miss.