i have zero shame in trying to claim Arrow. i know he’s taken but I just can’t help adding him to my collection. if I were into women, I would probably add Salem too. My Darling Arrow is a love letter to love. i was worried it was a cheating book (and I usually have to pump myself up for those) but no. My Darling Arrow is a love letter. A young girl finds love in an unusual way. She writes him all her thoughts, her feelings, and everyday occurrences. She truns her letters into a journal of her love. it both beautiful and sad. Until the ONE is in her witchy grasp… Then she really begins to live. My Darling Arrow is a delacacy for your ears. Enjoy Jason Clarke’s rough timber, growly moments, and swoon worthy voice. Be jealous of Sarah Puckett’s breathy, sexy sound. But kost of all, wish you were Salem in all her witchy ways!