This book series is not for everyone. If you can’t laugh at dark humor, and the freaky side of sex is something that you run away from, then don’t even crack the cover of this book. It’s not for you, and that’s ok.

Now, if you’re fully into letting your freak flag fly, then you should get this book immediately. When I first looked at the cover of this book I was a little hesitant. I was thinking that it was one of /those/ books. You know the type. A smutty book that seems engineered to give you 3-4 sex scenes smattered throughout the book, whether they make sense to the story or not. I’m glad to say I was happily surprised. The sexual content is only liberally smattered through the story, and it adds to the story rather than being shoehorned in. It is kinky though.

I have to say that when I realized just how things were being put together, and how the main character of the book fit into everything, I was really surprised. I’ve read hundreds of books and this is truly a unique take on things, which is so very rare to say. I thought things were going in one direction so many times, only for things to take a dark and funny twist.

This book explores the lives of several characters. Some don’t take danger as seriously as they should. Some are overconfident in their abilities. What happens when there are monsters that have that extra spark that makes them a little more dangerous than the norm? What follows is lots of death. Some for the humans, and some for the monsters… but where and when is the fun part. There are plenty of surprises that made me not only buy this book, but continue through every book in the series in a marathon.

This series lets you know if you’re gonna love it right from the start. If you’re not loving it in the first handful of chapters, it won’t get better. But if you are enjoying it, hang on. It’s gonna be a fun wild ride.