Love,science,math,trade,Adventure this riveting story about a young man who tries to find his only way in a new unprecedented world between the stars. It is an exciting fast pay story which the science and math is super intriguing to see if we will catch up to this technology and when we do exactly how far fiction is the stories? Is the main character grows the Bonsey forms with coworkers and those around him I want is that we even in this time and reality strive to make the bottom is this friendship are the strongest I want keeps us all safe and sound from the deep dark fast paced through very intriguing for those who love adventure love romance in US math and science although the math and science and technology side is prevalent it does not take out most of the stories of those who do not find it interesting on overwhelmed but yeah it’s traveling enough to keep the mind engaged and make us stare at the stars and wondered when we travel probably clean them will we be using the technology that we read about?