TBH, this story was okay and perhaps, I’ll read it again one day. For now, it reminds for me just okay. I think the plot is quite adorable, but I just not into the heroine’s personality. I barely could relate to her nor want to be a her friend? Silly as it may sound, she seems very out of my league! The guy is pretty impression and yes, I think he is just fine.

Overall, I don’t know if it’s the audio…I have read along with the audio on this book and so far, with her other books of FOUR DAY FLING, THE ROOMMATE AGREEMENT, and CATASTROPHE QUEEN, all her heroines seem to be very witty, sarcastic, feisty, and snarky. Nothing truly wrong with it but they are all the same with each book. I think if I didn’t listen to the audio…It might be a different approach of the heroines? or better yet, perhaps, I don’t really like a lady who aim for cleverness and wit which strike others as cocky or annoying. I guess a “smart aleck” personality. It was fine ‘til it became more, somewhat, focus point of the story rather the story itself. Now, it doesn’t mean these books are not a bit funny and sublime. I just think you have to relate with the heroine/hero & you have to be in a particular mood to read them. Also, you need to know what you are getting into…a fluffy read!