This was way too many hours of the same thing over and over without any progress. The start and the end of the book have actual story progression. There are an enormous amount of hours spent on two topics and they are pounded into your head repeatedly to the point that it’s numbing and shakes you out of the story. Here’s my vague version of the story, possible minor spoilers if you don’t want to know about those two things. Story progression. Going on a quest. Stuff happens. It’s good. Then… Ants. It’s hot. It’s sweltering. Ants. Sweating. Ants. Ants. It’s so hot. Ohhhhh man, did we mention it’s hot? It’s hot in here, guys, whew. Ants. Ants. Ants. There’s ants. It’s also very hot. And there’s ants. Lots of ants. Gotta fight some ants. In the heat. Oh man, some lava, look out. So hot. Jeez, it’s hot. And there’s more ants. And now there’s some different ants. Different ants, really spicing things up now. Still hot, by the way and I’m going to mention it 19 different ways. Really work that vocabulary to describe how it’s hot. And ants. No more ants. No more heat. Story progression. Exciting stuff. Story is over. Yeah, that’s about it.
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