I didn’t really know what to expect with this story. I got it so long ago, I couldn’t even remember what drew me to it, other than a preference for action and post-collapse stories. The narrator sounds a little too old for the characters, but otherwise did a good job.

What I found pleasantly surprising about this book was the writing. It was well done and didn’t come off as too pretentious or over-the-top, as many prepper books usually are. I found the actions of the protagonists and antagonists to be believable. I think the post-collapse violence and problems started occurring a little faster than they would in reality, but not so much as to break the suspension of disbelief.

Eight hours is just barely long enough of an audio length for me to get into a book, but it was on sale, so I took a chance on it. I’m glad I did, and I was pleased to see this is a series, as I’m drawn into the story and want to hear more.