Book 3 of the ‘Days of Want’ series is the most action-packed, suspenseful yet. There’s a lot going on in this post-EMP universe, and it’s only the second week!

We continue to see how Maddie’s group is handling things at the cabin. Their small group is grappling with defending the property and preparing for winter. They also get involved with some of the political aspects of the nearby town and question if it’s wise to do so. Beth, Maddie’s mother, is still working her way back to her children. She is briefly way-laid, but manages to get back on the road quickly. The third POV character, Ames, has woefully little in this book. He appears in only one scene.

It’s still early days in the apocalypse and the author shows how people are struggling to adapt to the new reality. And how some are taking full advantage of the changes, but not in positive ways. There are dangers lurking in the group’s future that will rear their heads in the next book, I fear.

This series is still holding my attention. There are many likable characters. Most of the plot is realistic to how people would react to the realization that electricity is not coming back any time soon.

I’m going to mention a tiny problem I have with the endings of the three books I’ve listened to so far. The author does have natural stopping places in each book, but continues on for about half a scene, making it feel incomplete. I’m not sure if this is the author’s attempt to set up the next book or not, but it is somewhat jarring for me. This is a small gripe and doesn’t really affect my enjoyment of the books overall.

Kevin Pierce’s narration is great, as always. His reading style immerses the listener into the story.

I received a free review copy of this audiobook, at my request, and have written the above voluntary opinion of it.

Highly recommended.