Title: Illusions that May

Author: Eden O’Neil

Format: Audio

Narrators: Kasi Hollowell, Gregory Salinas

Genre: Romance, Romantic Suspense, YA/NA, HS Bully, Secret Socieities

Standalone: No

Part of a Series: Book 2 (of 4) in Court High

POV: December, Royal

Steam Level: Some but not much


Illusions that May is the second book in the Court High series. Rather than answering questions about December’s sister’s death, it adds more. The cliffhanger isn’t too terrible but I definitely want to see what will happen. The added suspense of The Court and their extensive power and influence adds to the intrigue of who is in their pocket, who they control, and where loyalties lie. I liked the addition of Royal’s POV, even if it was few and far between and mostly the past revealing his friendship with December’s sister. It adds to the mystery that is Royal. Add in a new character that return home, betrayal, and mounting secrets and this book keeps you on edge and holding your breath to see what happens.

I received this audiobook for free from Pink Flamingo Productions and Audiobook Obseeion. This is my honest and voluntary review.