Please Please Please Nikki Sex, I need you to put book 5 on audio. I am so tempted to continue reading the books on my kindle or something. But the audios for all five books were FAN-Friggin-tastic!!!! Initially, I was a little disappointed when I realized that this book didn’t focus on Jan. But after a few chapters, I realized that Thea might actually be my twin soul (lol). My first boyfriend said a very similar thing that Kalev said. He said he loved my bad attitude and he thought it was sexy as hell. I haven’t thought about that in years. But that is exactly what an amazing author does. The characters are all so relatable. And considering that they are vamps, werewolf, and demon blessed, that couldn’t have been easy. And I LOVE this narrator. The book I just started also happens to be narrated by Sarah Puckett. She is fantastic. She must have a similar taste in books as me because she has narrated a ton that I have listened to. And she was just as amazing as always. I am definitely a huge fan! Please, Nikki, make me another Demon Blessed audiobook!

This audiobook was given to me at my request. I am providing a voluntary and honest review.