If you’re in the mood for something steamy with a bit of story mixed in for flavour, then you’ve hit a winner. There’s enough plot to make it clear how and why two ostensibly different people would fall in love, and even to establish some good side characters, but I’d say about 70% of the book is smut. Which isn’t a complaint by any means! Sometimes that’s what you’re feeling, and this is well-written and engaging besides. but it’s not my preference, so for me it was just… pretty good? Enjoyable, but not something I’d come back to. The performance is decent, but unexceptional; there are some varied voices, a few Southern accents mixed in and some more feminine tones, and for the most part the two leads’ voices were distinct. But again, nothing that stirred strong emotions in me. Overall, this one wasn’t quite for me, but I can see its merits well enough to think it might be someone else’s perfect pick.