The description for this one says it’s not a story of preppers with stockpiles of food and weapons, and I suppose that is true, but it’s not a story of a family totally blindsided (like this suggests either).

Basically this family is tipped off to how serious the event is before everyone else, and they are able to prep before most folks. And they just happened to randomly meet an author of a prepping book series and pick up prepping books days before the event.

The book goes out of it’s way to describe the solar event and all the details of the sun’s activity which isn’t a bad thing, but it is when your book is only 5 hours. By the time it gets to the point where the event happens the book is over.

Maybe if this is one of your first books on the topic you’ll like it more than I did. For me it was kind of more of the same, but shorter. I won’t be continuing the series, and really it just seems like a single book was split into more books for sales reasons.