Tamiko “Tammy” Reaverson is the new Principal at Landmark Elementary and is excited to be included in the new initiative to bring Amaranthine into schools. She didn’t expect to find her love at school with his ladder and secrets. Tammy soon has a major secret when a Tree-kin takes up residence at Red Gate Farm.

Tammy’s twin Joe has to adjust to her changes, then soon has secrets of his own.

Melissa Armstrong comes to Archer to live with her Reaverson cousins while going to Bellweather College. She was sent to check if her cousins are unregistered Reavers, and to protect them. Melissa’s lifelong, driving desire to be chosen by a Wolf Kithkin looks hopeless until she applies for a job at a coffee shop and finds herself adopted by the local pack.

I really enjoy the tree twin; the creation of the compound; and the wards and sigils.

I really like this series and will continue to follow it – I’ve purchased both ebook and audio copies – but this entry isn’t as strong as the first two. It works for me up to publicizing their own courtship and wedding, as Amaranthine are in hiding in the U.S. It feels like there’s a step or two missing in the progression from the announcement of the Amaranthine to this new plan.

Forthright has a way of creating charming and likable characters. She has a very civilized, polite and warm sensibility that comes through in her writing, and it’s extremely appealing.

The narration is handled well by Baldree.

4 stars = it’s great per Audible