There are so many excellent story elements here: consciousness space/time magic, interesting skills, and deceived “lesser” races. However, the story never actually comes together.

One of the main characters goes on a limit brake, fighting with one of the most powerful entities in the world. But this receives 1/6 the attention of how uncomfortable Jason is with polygamy.

More attention is paid to the social ranking and rituals of the Jaguar clan than to exploring the Dew and magic system.

I’m not against any of these elements individually, but the alleged plot of conquering/uniting the world or battling dungeons or growing stronger feels stagnant. The overarching goal is treated more like a piece of exposition than anything that actually drives or motivates the characters.

I also find it a little annoying that every terran has a traumatic back story that they shamelessly dump on us given the first opportunity. Similarly, the black drag queen introduced is used more as a prop to discuss gay/religious views than driving the story.