Eldritch Ops is the second book in the “From the Secret Files of the Red Room” series and jumps right in where the first book left off. The characters are the same and there isn’t much by way of reintroduction. Now, having read the first book, I had no issues with that and loved that Phipps dove right into the story.

One of the things you’re going to get out of a C.T. Phipps book is a good time. Another thing is lots of popular culture references. And finally, if you read a lot of Phipps’ books like I do, you’re going to notice different references to his other books and series. Most of his books take place in similar worlds so it’s always interesting to see who is going to crossover or be mentioned in each book.

This book was fun and fast paced just like the other books from Phipps. It’s full of great action scenes but also full of emotion and gooey self-realization by its characters. I love that about these books. Phipps is able to make these characters feel and act real even when they’re out there hunting Dracula or talking to the “Blood Sword”. You’d think that these characters would be out there but they’re not. They have very real and human feelings and each book dives into some of those.

Overall, another great addition to the worlds that Phipps has created, and a great book that I couldn’t get enough of. I flew through it and you should too!